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Ayse Ozcan Atar

Research Fellow

Ayse is a postdoctoral fellow at Tyndall National Institute, working within the Epitaxy and Physics of Nanostructures and Integrated Photonics groups. In 2024 she completed her PhD in Physics at University College Cork under the supervision of Dr. Emanuele Pelucchi. After receiving her PhD, she was awarded the prestigious Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship from Research Ireland. Her research focuses on advancing photonic integrated circuit technologies by developing next-generation III-V devices, with a strong emphasis on epitaxial growth and their efficient integration into advanced systems.

Ayse completed her undergraduate studies in Physics at Bilkent University, Turkey and earned her MSc in Materials Science and Nanotechnology from the same institution in 2014. Before beginning her PhD, she worked as a researcher at the Space Technologies Research Institute (TUBITAK-UZAY) in Turkey for three years.