Our People

Brian Corbett
Principal Investigator
Brian Corbett received B.A.Mod degrees in Experimental Physics and in Mathematics from Trinity College Dublin, Master of Science from Trinity College Dublin, and M. Eng. Sc. from University College Cork.
He is leading the III-V materials and devices group at Tyndall and is the coordinator of ALIGHT which is collaboration between European partners on semi-polar GaN and of COMPASS, a Marie Curie industry-academia partnership project with Seagate. The group has been a partner in many European projects such as OPTONEURO, FIREFLY, MODEGAP, DISCUS, and PHASTID. He is a co-PI in the Science Foundation Ireland funded Irish Photonic Integrated Centre (IPIC), in the CTVR centre and previously in the PiFAS research cluster. The students and post-doctoral researchers find positions in Industry such as Trumpf, Huawei, ASML, Vertilas, Alcatel-Lucent, Eblana and Infineon.
His research area is the physics and technology of III-V based light emitting semiconductors with special emphasis on the use of advanced structuring technologies to permit integration and add additional functionality to devices enabling new applications. He has list of over 150 publications and 4 granted patents. His research achievements include the invention of a low cost method to obtain single frequency semiconductor lasers which is applicable across wavelengths and materials. The patent has been licensed by Eblana Photonics and is a core offering. He co-invented a method to significantly enhance the directionality of light from LEDs which has licensed to Infiniled, a start-up company from Tyndall. He received a Researcher of the year award for his work with Intel.